Performance Measurement Services
In business, if you stand still, you lose ground. If you don’t improve – at least at a marginal rate, then you probably aren’t even maintaining the current level of productivity and profitability require to foster growth. In your organization, there is only one imperative: measurable results.
In assessing organizational challenges and executing projects aimed at enhancing your organization’s vision, many organizations quickly realize that they can only effectively improve that which they can effectively measure. For organizations to continually improve, they need a method to help them understand where they are now, help them plan where they want to go, and then help them understand when they have arrived at the vision destination. Hence, a critical element of the organizational recipe for success is the use of appropriate measures, measures that matter, and measuring what matters most. At Oculus Consulting Group, we have identified some key guidelines to be used in selecting the appropriate measures and measuring what matters initiate important benefits to an organization’s leaders and managers.
To maximize your organization’s performance requires managers who work together to identify the metrics that deliver the most accurate measure of value to your organization. Performance measurement & management means understanding how what you do impacts your customers, your knowledge resources, your business processes, and your finances. Anybody can generate a plethora of statistics, charts, and graphs. Inundating your organization with this data doesn’t mean you are measuring the right activities, or that the information is even helpful.
The challenge for today’s leaders and organizational managers is to identify the key performance indicators and measures that are essential for today’s operations and tomorrows initiatives, to capture the data in a process that maintains it’s usefulness and integrity, and then to report and examine all the appropriate data for effective decision making. Eliminating the inappropriate measures requires establishing effective guidelines and tools to ensure the measurement system is as effective as possible. At Oculus Consulting Group, we understand that the reengineering and performance measurement activities in your organization are just one attribute of an overall effective process. In reviewing our client’s success in process reengineering and performance measurement, we have compiled a “Top Ten” list of attributes that organizational measurement systems should use to ensure their process engineering and performance measurement will meet the organization’s effectiveness requirements.
At Oculus Consulting Group, we have developed approaches that help our clients achieve this goal. We bring knowledge of specific industries supported by a broad understanding of the business issues common to all of them. We provide disciplined and executable methodologies aimed at helping your organization identify, create, deploy, and evaluate the right performance measures to accurately analyze your products and services, your business relationships, and most importantly, your bottom line.
To obtain insights regarding our Performance Measurement and Management experience, visit our Thought Leadership Library!
To identify how your vision for effective performance measures can become your measurable reality, please contact us.
Examples of Our Competence
Service Offering: Organizational Strategy, Performance Measurement & Management
Transforming a complex & antiquated public sector planning process Business Need: Balanced Strategic Planning & Performance Measurement
Service Offering: Organizational Strategy, Performance Management
Organizing & establishing a dynamic health care organization's strategic planning and balanced scorecard development Business Need: Organizational Strategy & Balanced Scorecard Architecture
To learn more about our complete service offering, you may access our Services Brochure here!
If you need assistance in transforming your organization’s performance into a new a measurable reality, please contact us.
To obtain copies of our insightful thought leadership on how our performance measurement services can benefit your organization, visit our Library!