Process Reengineering Services
For more than 150 years, organizations around the world have been enamored with improving their performance. With the world becoming increasingly mobile and automated, more and more organizations are realizing that outperforming the competition requires a new and better way of doing things. In the face of intense competition and other business pressures, quality initiatives, cost reduction efforts, and continuous incremental process improvement projects are undertaken somewhere every business day. Unfortunately, although essential for survival, most will be woefully inadequate.
Objectives of a 5% or 10% improvement in business processes each year must give way to process reengineering efforts that achieve 50%, 100% or even 1,000% improvement. Today’s organizations must seek not just fractional, but exponential levels of improvement to remain in existence. Such radical levels of change require powerful new tools and accurate cohesive analysis required to facilitate the fundamental redesign of work.
At Oculus Consulting Group, we combine the adoption of a process and systems view of the organization with our individual and organizational expertise to assess the innovation necessary to achieve performance improvement in your key processes. Adopting a process and systems view of your organization can represent a revolutionary change in perspective. It involves elements of structure, focus, measurement, ownership, and customers. We place a strong emphasis on how work is done within an organization, in contrast to an organization’s common focus on what is getting done. The result is an organizational reality that provides measurable improvement.
To identify how your vision for process and organizational reengineering efficiency can become a measurable reality, please contact us.
To review our insights regarding process reengineering focusing on the entire organization, visit our Thought Leadership Library!
Examples of Our Competence

Service Offering: Process Reengineering, Business Transformation
Eliminating a global service organization's inefficient & expensive financial processes. Business Need: Financial Process Reengineering & Cost Transformation

How an Organizational Vision Became a Measurable Reality

What do you do with a hodgepodge of finance systems and processes? How do you reign in costs and processes that are out of control? With more than 2 dozen facilities each boasting their own financial management systems and diverse processes, CASE Corporation executives faced this exact situation. The task could seem onerous to even the bravest of executives. For CASE Corporation the answer was obvious. They needed to reengineer!
In the face of intense competition and other business pressures, CASE devised a global vision for their accounting processing and an integrated financial system solution.
Oculus Consulting Group resources played key roles and provided valuable assistance in the execution of our client’s vision by providing knowledgeable expertise and resources who:
- Conducted project oversight & management
- Designed, developed, & implemented a worldwide vision of systems and processes for Accounts Receivable functions
- Designed, developed, & implemented a worldwide vision of systems and processes for Accounts Payable functions
- Organized, executed, and implemented worldwide integration of the global finance center vision establishing finance centers in Europe, North America, and Australia.
Transforming the CASE Corporation vision for financial transaction processes and integrated systems resulted in a measurable reality that includes:
- 1996 = Finalist in 3 Reach Award categories
- 1997 = Winners of Best-in-Class in 2 categories: Internal Audit Operations and Accounting Processing
- 1998 = Overall Champion of the CFO Magazine Reach Award and Winners of Best-in-Class in 4 categories: Treasury Operations, Tax Operations, Customer Processing, and Accounting Processing.