Technology Implementation Services
Most organizations that undertake a new technology project often sound more like wine tasters than business executives. They use terms like “robust” and “hearty” to describe their technology needs and the qualities of their desired solutions. They insist that these projects “bring out the best” in the technology on their existing corporate menu. While they frequently raise their visionary glass to the technology solution with brand cachet, their judgment is often not as discerning as it should be.
The cost trade-off is constantly being assessed against such high-profile metrics as reduced inventories and labor costs, better agility to deal with customers and suppliers, and better management decision making through information access. At Oculus Consulting Group LLC, we understand that enhancements to your organization’s bottom line are an essential ingredient of any enterprise solution decision. Our demonstrated experience in helping organizations achieve that bottom line result has been documented publicly.
New products, new business models, and the steady stream of consolidation among technology solutions make it tough for organizations to understand all their options and worse yet, to make the best choice.
Falling victim to brand hype, failing to understand the short and long-term realities of your business, and the frequent mismatch between key business processes and entity goals can prevent many organizations from getting the most out of their technology investments. The end is a measurable reality moving rapidly in a direction opposite of the vision the organization had intended.
Simply securing and implementing new integrated enterprise-wide solutions across your organization is not enough to achieve the required cost-based advantage that your financial strategies will demand. Your organization will need a substantial amount of organization discipline, performance measurement programs with meaningful corresponding metrics, cost-oriented emphasis on enhancements and integrations, and management teams who are focused incessantly on cost both before as well as after the implementation.
At Oculus Consulting Group, our expertise and assistance have helped organizations transform their vision for effective enterprise-wide solution implementation and performance measurement into a measurable reality of improved competitive advantage.

At Oculus Consulting Group, we bring a comprehensive set of technology selection and implementation skills to your organization to focus on your existing technology landscape. We identify your critical business processes and requirements. Then, we deploy resources that spend their entire existence measuring and evaluating technology vendors providing an effective in-depth analysis you would never have the time to conduct on your own. Using a collaborative planning approach, we ensure that your organization’s requirements govern the implementation process, and not the business requirements of so-called consulting implementers. Once the solution is operational, we provide an independent assessment to verify that your objectives have been met. The result is a technology selection and implementation with a measurable reality that is the culmination of your technology vision, and not the opposite of them.
To obtain insights on our technology selection and implementation thought leadership, visit our Thought Leadership Library!
To identify how your technology selection and implementation vision can become a measurable reality, please contact us.
Examples of Our Competence

Service Offering: Technology Selection and Implementation
Rapidly selecting the right enterprise solution for a public sector organization with diverse requirements Business Need: Updating ERP Technology and Processes

Service Offering: Technology Selection & Implementation, Project Architecture & Management
Architecting the rapid execution of a global manufacturing organization's technology solution Business Need: Enterprise Technology Transformation

Service Offerings: Technology Selection & Implementation, Project Management
Executing a global financial service organization's critical CRM technology upgrade and process reengineering Business Need: Technology Upgrade & Project Management -

If you need assistance transforming your organization’s performance into a new a measaurable reality, please contact us.
To obtain copies of our insightful thought leadership on technology selection and implementation, visit our Library!